Bruce K. Young
Silverman Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Kimmel Stem Cell Center
New York University School of Medicine
Dr. Young is internationally known as a leader and innovator in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He introduced prenatal genetic diagnosis and performed the first amniocenteses at the NYU Medical Center, founding the Prenatal Diagnosis program in 1972 and the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine in 1975. Other innovations followed, including fetal heart rate monitoring, fetal scalp blood pH, umbilical artery blood measurements in labor, intravenous infusion of magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia instead of an intramuscular injection, the world’s first Obstetrical Intensive Care Unit, and a technique for fetoscopic closure of preterm ruptured membranes. He has edited 2 books on Maternal-Fetal Medicine and written 2 books for the general reader. He directed the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine until 2005 and presently directs the NYU Pregnancy Loss Prevention Center. He is a member of the Kimmel Stem Cell Center at NYU Medical Center. His current research focuses on human amniotic fluid derived stem cells.
Research Interest
Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine